Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Week 3

This past week we were talking about social class and economic status. We did this activity in class where we were asked to write a few words that describe your own class whether it be middle class or poor. This was a college class... He gave us a few minutes to think and write down a few words.
 [Just a little background real quick] I am from a large family of 11 children. Which meant we used it up, we wore it out, we made it do, or we did without. Two years ago this past March my mom was diagnosed with cancer, our Grampa died about a year after that, then just less than a year after that just this past January our house caught on fire. I had just gotten home from Fall semester, with all my college stuff. I lost pretty much everything.
[Now back to the class activity]
So I'm up here at college with very little.This is what my list said:
Poor--> Fire
Penny pincher
I couldn't think of anything else at this point. I started looking around and I noticed that someone had written lucky. I thought about it for a minute and then added on to my list and put this as my last one. BLESSED.

I know that just by looking at me you wouldn't have known what I have been through these past few years, but just like every other person, you can't judge a book by its cover. I know that there is opposition in all things. Part of that opposition are trials. I know that we have these trials for a reason, so that we can gain a testimony of those things we already have. I know that I am BLESSED with a loving family as well as an extended family, who jumped in to help up when we had no clothes or a place to stay. I know that I am BLESSED to have all my family safe from that fire. I am BLESSED to know that I have a loving Father in Heaven that knows me personally. I am BLESSED to have the gospel in my life. I am BLESSED with so many things. And I am thankful for all the BLESSINGS I see every day in my life and for that.... I know I AM BLESSED.

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