Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 9

This week we had a class discussion on anger which was really eye opening to me. I think it’s so true what you said about anger in our families. Brother Williams said something along these lines, “We learn from our fathers that it is ok to be angry with those we love but no one else.” I think that it is so true. I know growing up in my home we weren’t allowed to be angry and when we were dad would somehow make us laugh it off. In public we weren’t allowed to show much either. Mom never got angry, and when she did it was more of I’m upset because I shouldn’t feel this way; it was never I’m upset because of you and what you did. We also talked about if it was possible to be angry and not sin. I thought that was interesting and I liked how you tied in grace, edify, and venting into this class, and how nothing good comes from venting; which I also think is pretty spot on.
One of the class lessons that I will definitely implement in my future home is the discussion we had on family council. In my family we had family home evening and if there were things that needed to be talked about, it was then that that happened; but it was never this is what we need to talk about, it was always what dad says goes, and that is how it was run. I think that getting each child’s opinion and input on a subject is important because it allows a child to think for themselves as well as practice their speaking skills in a group of people. There were times when dad would ask what we thought, but we hardly ever felt like we could really say without being criticized for thinking that way so we never really spoke up. I think family council is important, because it allows for an open discussion if done right and opinions can be voiced and then as a family you can make a final decision together.

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